How to Get Your Small Business Funded
Are you unsure what funding sources are out there? Trying to better understand the process of securing a loan? In this workshop, gain insight on where to find and secure funding for your small business.
This session is perfect for anyone looking for funding for their small business and a better understanding of the loan application process. After completing this course, you will leave with:
Insights on the loan application process
Guidance on funding sources
A better understanding of what banks are looking for from businesses applying for loans
Insights on unique sources of funding
Rodney Jackson
As the Director of Business Engagement for The Spring / Studer Community Institute, Rodney helped 60+ local small business owners and entrepreneurs acquire capital and grow their business. Rodney Jackson tragically passed away on August 9, 2022. He served as a trusted advisor and mentor to many in our community. Rodney came to SCI with more than 28 years of banking experience, which included leading retail and commercial teams. In addition, he held the role of SBA product manager. He was instrumental in serving on several boards to include the inaugural Board of Trustees for the Community Maritime Park, Escambia County Planning Board, Escambia Board of Adjustment, and the Pensacola CRA Advisory Board.
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How to Get Your Small Business Funded
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