Hiring and Onboarding: Beyond the Paperwork

A talented workforce is vital to any company’s continued growth and success, yet the number one concern we hear over and over from business owners and supervisors is that top talent is scarce.  According to a survey by Glassdoor, "three in four companies say that attracting quality candidates is the biggest challenge they face today."

This workshop will provide attendees with real-world tactics to find, attract, hire and onboard top-notch talent.  

You'll walk away with greater knowledge on the following topics:

  • Current workforce landscape

  • Attracting the right candidates

  • Where to find quality candidates

  • Writing attractive and intriguing job descriptions

  • Effective interviewing tactics

  • Onboarding that works

1 - Attracting Candidates:

One of the first things that employers always ask is, "Where do I even begin looking for a great hire?" In this section of the workshop, we'll review the 2020 hiring landscape and what it means for your organization, provide solid resources for where to actually find quality candidates, and teach you how to write job successful descriptions that will leave passive candidates saying, "WOW, this sounds like the perfect fit for me!” 

2 - Effective Interviewing:

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average cost for each bad hire can equal 30 percent of that individual's annual earnings. Therefore, when you hire the wrong mid-level manager earning $60,000, the real cost to your organization will turn out to be a whopping $78,000.

In this section of the workshop, we'll show you how you can separate the good from the great by teaching you how to use behavioral-based questions and psychological assessments in your interview process, ask the right questions for the specific position and conduct leader and peer interviews.

3 - Onboarding, Retaining and Engaging Employees:

Bamboo HR completed a study of over 1,000 workers, and it turns out a whopping 31% reported having quit a job within their first 6 months.  This workshop will discuss strategies for successful onboarding beyond the required paperwork (because onboarding a new employee shouldn’t end when the paperwork is completed).

Course curriculum

    1. Powerpoint and Toolkit

    1. Live Presentation

    1. Leader Interview

    2. Peer Interview

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About this course

  • $99.00
  • 6 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content